A few weeks back, I was able to receive an iPad for my classroom through donorschoose.org. It's amazing website where teachers can post project for their classrooms and the money for these projects can get funded by your friends and family or even generous strangers. I highly recommend trying it out for your class! I've been trying out different apps for the kids and they love it. One thing I noticed is they have a tough time typing things out. I work with kinders and firsties so I am sure they have not spent much time on technology. I was thinking how I wish I could have an individual iPad for each one of them to practice on....and then an idea struck me! Why don't I just make fake iPads for them!

I created a pdf and laminated it. I found these very thin canvas from Michael's and then used used a coupon so they ended up being around 4$ for 5 of them. My husband also brought home some foam board from work and I plan on using them to make more! WALLAAAAH I present to you... an iPad for each one of my students. I was able to laminate each of their sight words as well so they could do this independently. I used this in a small group and called out words. They had to write it with a dry erase marker and then practice typing it out. Then they recorded their words on their sheet with their pencil. They LOVED it! They didn't want to stop. I also did some worksheets I created for them as well afterwards using an iPad code to figure out their sight words.
Grab my faux iPad packet from TPT here. (Kinder)